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An important factor in psychotherapy is a trusting and sustainable relationship between patient and therapist.


That is why I always start with a 30-minute initial consultation, where

you can see if "The Safe Space" is for you.

This meeting offers a good opportunity to get to know each other and to discuss your concerns.

This way we can plan the further course together and create a treatment concept.




The initial consultation usually lasts 30 minutes and costs €30.


The individual therapy session lasts 45 minutes and costs €65.





Despite the lack of psychotherapy places and long waiting times for patients, the statutory health insurance companies do not reimburse the costs for psychotherapeutic treatments by non-medical practitioners.

Members of private health insurance companies or those entitled to benefits can claim (partial) reimbursement of the treatment costs from their insurance company. Please check with your insurance company before we start working with you.

If you have not been able to find a psychotherapist that is covered by your insurance within 3 months (legally reasonable waiting time), you may be able to apply for your insurance company to cover the costs of a psychotherapy by a non medical practitioner

according to §13 II SGB V.





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