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About me

For me, The Safe Space is not just a place but a feeling that

I want to share with you.


It is particularly important to me that you feel that you are in good hands. See me as a companion who will support you with experience, knowledge of the human psyche and methods for overcoming difficulties.

My own life has repeatedly presented me with challenges that have required a course change or correction.

This gave me the opportunity to gain a lot from difficult situations,

I learned how important emotional and mental health is and

that some solutions can be found,

hidden in your own assessment of a situation.


My professional reorientation from a marketing specialist to

alternative practitioner for psychotherapy also showed me

how important it is to perceive and use opportunities carefully.

I believe this is something that can be learned,

every day and at any age.




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Terri Layden Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie
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